Welcome to the Kessler Clinic
Willkommen in der Kessler Praxis

Friendship as a Promise
Our friendship is a promise
to be there for each other –
no matter where,
no matter when,
no matter what
life brings our way
Our friendship
is a forever promise –
because we are
forever friends
Her 30th year in the Kessler Clinic, Karin van Huelsen, HP (right) and Dr. Wolf-Dieter Kessler with his wife Antje want to express their gratitude to staff and patients for years of loyalty and trust. Atlanta, 2 June 2016.

In any case of healing energy is moved

If you contract a chronic health disorder you may be fraught with numerous questions. Answers may be dissatisfactory and disappointing.
Neither the complex causes nor the interconnectedness of the problems may be known. In other words: the therapy will resemble a blind flight with dubious outcome.
To decipher the puzzle of chronic health problems both swiftly and accurately Analogous- and Digital Electro-Acupuncture in concert with Analytic Kinesiology represent unparalleled
biophysical opportunities.
This will render the adjusted therapy protocol for each individual patient.
The system has proven praiseworthily.
Welcome to the website of the Kessler-Clinic!
Located in the picturesque northern German village of Victorbur, the Kessler Clinic is a unique medical facility that
specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases. Wolf-Dieter Kessler M.D. PhD. founded the clinic in 1986 and after over 37 years of cooperation the clinic has been
transfered to Karin van Huelsen, HP in September 2023. The clinic team has been using Functional Medicine to treat patients from around the world.
What Is Functional Medicine?
Functional medicine is a medical approach that uses a variety of complementary, integrative, alternative, and conventional diagnostic
techniques and therapies to find and treat the cause of malfunctions in the body. Our believe that chronic diseases are caused by an underlying imbalance in the body. The imbalance is
usually multicausal; in other words, there are usually many causes responsible for your health disorder.
The imbalance is caused by accumulation of toxins, which have swamped the lymph system over years or even within a short period of time. Currently about 40 000 toxins are tested. Identified toxins could be heavy metals, environmental toxins, pesticides, viruses, bacteria, fungi, metabolic toxins and others. There are specific methods available to eliminate those toxins and thereby re-balancing the body functions.
Brain dysfunctions due to mental or emotional disorders can be identified and treated.
Please inform yourself by clicking on any item of interest in the left column. If there remain any questions unanswered, please write me an email.